Behind the Scenes with Donna D’Errico: The Fitness Secrets That Keep Her Ready for Action-Packed Roles

Donna D'Errico

Many associate Donna D’Errico with Hollywood glamour, but there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than one might think. While she’s best known for her roles in television and film, her commitment to fitness also stands out, especially given the physically demanding roles she often takes on. But this isn’t about hitting the gym with a personal trainer daily. D’Errico has crafted a routine that’s as much about mental clarity as physical endurance.

Starting the Day with a Challenge

D’Errico’s day kicks off when most people are still in bed. At 5 a.m., she’s already lacing up her hiking boots, ready for a two-hour trek that has become a cornerstone of her daily routine. This isn’t just a leisurely walk in the park, though. She tackles steep hills and rough trails that push her limits. 

“Hiking steep hills and mountain climbing condition the heart and lungs,” D’Errico explains, underscoring how this ritual builds the stamina she needs for her action roles.

This early-morning hike is about more than staying fit. It’s also a mental reset, giving her the space to think through her roles, ideas, and sometimes even the scripts she’s working on. It’s a time of solitude where she can focus without the distractions of daily life. 

And when she’s away on location and can’t hit the trails, she keeps moving by jumping rope in her hotel room—a simple yet effective way to maintain her fitness no matter where she is.

Fueling with Plant-Based Nutrition

D’Errico’s commitment to her health extends beyond physical activity. For nearly eight years, she’s embraced a plant-based diet, a choice that aligns with both her personal ethics and her health goals. No meat, no animal products. Just a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. It’s a way of eating that fuels her body and supports her advocacy for animal rights.

Research backs up the benefits of such a diet, particularly for those engaged in demanding physical activities. A plant-based diet can provide the essential nutrients needed to sustain energy levels, improve cardiovascular health, and aid in recovery after intense workouts. D’Errico herself notes, “I don’t eat meat or anything that comes from an animal,” which is a commitment that ties her fitness directly to her values. 

Balancing Body and Mind

Physical health is one piece of the puzzle, but D’Errico knows that mental wellness is just as crucial, especially in the high-stress world of entertainment. Her outlook on mental health is grounded in simple yet powerful routines. Every morning, before she even opens her eyes, she spends a few moments reflecting on what she’s grateful for. It’s a habit that helps her start the day on a positive note.

At night, she winds down by listening to binaural beats—a type of sound wave therapy believed to enhance relaxation and focus. This nightly ritual, combined with her practice of keeping a tight, supportive social circle, helps her manage stress and maintain a positive outlook. 

For D’Errico, mental and physical health are deeply interconnected, each supporting the other.

Fitness as a Foundation for Her Roles

D’Errico’s fitness routine isn’t just about looking good—it’s about being able to perform at her best on set. Her chosen roles often require physical agility and strength, whether portraying a gun-wielding assassin or a complex villain. These roles are demanding, requiring her to be in top physical condition to handle the multiple takes and physical challenges that come with action scenes.

D’Errico’s commitment to her fitness also allows her to perform her own stunts, something that not all actors can claim. “With any scene that involves something physically demanding, such as fighting or running, there are always multiple takes,” D’Errico explains. 

Her stamina, built through consistent training, enables her to deliver in these roles. It adds a layer of authenticity to her performances that resonates with audiences.

Inspiring Through Example

Donna D’Errico’s fitness routine isn’t just something she does to stay in shape—it’s something she hopes can inspire others as well. She’s a big advocate for getting outdoors, especially hiking, a staple in her daily life for years. For D’Errico, the benefits of hiking go beyond just physical exercise.

“If what I do inspires others to try hiking, which I have always loved, that’s great,” she mentions. And it’s easy to see why she feels this way. People, for the most part, spend too much time indoors, breathing air-conditioned air and glued to gadget screens. D’Errico finds that hiking offers a perfect escape from this, providing fresh air and sunshine that can do wonders for both mood and peace of mind.

She also points out that hiking helps clear the mental clutter. When out on a trail, surrounded by nature, there’s no constant ping of notifications or the temptation to scroll through social media. It’s just you, the trail, and the opportunity to let your mind wander freely.