Cuba is known for many things, but none more iconic than its cigars. For cigar aficionados around the world, the annual Festival of Havana is a pilgrimage to the birthplace of some of the finest cigars in the world. This festival, one of the largest cigar celebrations in the world, takes place every February in Havana and draws cigar enthusiasts and industry experts from around the globe.
The Festival of Havana is a week-long celebration of all things cigar-related. It is organized by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned company responsible for the production and distribution of Cuban cigars. The festival features a wide range of events, including cigar rolling demonstrations, seminars on cigar making and tobacco cultivation, cigar tastings, and a trade fair where industry experts can showcase their latest products.
One of the highlights of the festival is the International Habanosommelier Contest. This competition, which takes place every year, brings together some of the world’s most talented sommeliers to compete for the title of International Habanosommelier. The competition tests the sommeliers’ knowledge of cigars and their ability to pair them with various types of drinks, including cocktails, wines, and spirits.
Speaking of cocktails, the festival also features a range of cigar-inspired cocktails, including the Mojito and the Daiquiri. These cocktails are specially crafted to complement the flavors of Cuban cigars and are a perfect way to enjoy a cigar in the company of friends and fellow enthusiasts.
Apart from the events and activities, the festival also offers a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and history of Havana. Visitors can explore the city’s colonial architecture, visit historic landmarks such as the Morro Castle and the Plaza de la Revolución, and take part in cultural activities such as live music performances and salsa dancing.
However, the festival is not just about celebrating cigars and having a good time. It is also an opportunity for the Cuban cigar industry to showcase its latest products and innovations. The festival provides a platform for industry experts and cigar enthusiasts to come together and share knowledge and ideas, fostering innovation and growth in the industry. Largest Cigar Celebrations