Jerry Sargeant and Star Magic Healing’s Infinity Playlist Helps Practitioners Burn Fat and Gain Muscle From the Inside Out

Jerry Sargeant

Star Magic Healing has long geared its organization toward the wellness of its Tribe Members, providing much-needed teachings that aid in energy healing and personal development. 

Among its most central offerings is the Infinity Playlist – found inside the Star Magic Application – a curated selection of meditations and practices. Within Infinity’s many playlists is one called Body Fitness, designed to help users achieve optimal physical health by burning fat and building muscle from the inside out. 

What is incredible is that users do this whilst sleeping. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s happening in the mind. The meditations take users through a physical workout and the body really thinks it’s happening. 

Roger and Tina Walker, two dedicated Star Magic Tribe members, said, “We have been listening to Jerry Sargeant’s night time playlist for six months. Roger lost 36 pounds and I lost 29 pounds. We did this in our sleep without making any changes to our nutrition. We then started using the High Vibrational Recipes and in another two months lost 18 lbs and 23 lbs respectively. It’s changed our lives.

The Power of the Infinity Playlist

The Infinity Playlist is available through Star Magic Healing’s Infinity membership. It is a comprehensive tool for those seeking to enhance their physical fitness through non-traditional means. 

This playlist includes guided meditations, light language transmissions, and cosmic yoga sessions. They are all geared toward aligning the body with higher vibrational frequencies that promote health and vitality.

Jerry Sargeant, the founder of Star Magic Healing, explains, “Our Infinity Playlist isn’t about physical exercise. The frequencies you will absorb are tuning into the quantum field and using that energy to transform your body. The guided meditations take the subconscious mind through a workout and body fat is reduced, muscle is gained and fitness levels increase. When you align with these frequencies, you naturally transform”

People using the Infinity Playlist report experiencing physical changes, a heightened sense of well-being, and mental clarity. The playlist encourages users to tap into their inner potential. They use the mind and universal energy and  power to initiate physical transformations.

Embracing High-Vibrational Nutrition

In addition to the Infinity Playlist, Star Magic Healing shows its Tribe Members the importance of high-vibrational nutrition—a cornerstone of any all-encompassing health plan. This form of nutrition involves consuming foods rich in life force energy. It supports the body’s natural healing processes and enhances overall well-being.

Jerry Sargeant elaborates, “High vibrational nutrition is about feeding your body with foods that are alive and full of energy. It’s about making conscious choices that align with your body’s needs and the energy you want to cultivate. We are all different and no one should just follow a dietary plan. You have to listen to what the body wants on a day by day basis.’’

The Star Magic Healing website offers a wealth of resources, including recipes and nutritional guidance, to help users incorporate high-vibrational foods into their daily lives. When combining these dietary practices with the Infinity Playlist, individuals can create a powerful synergy that supports physical and energetic transformation on a massive level. 

What You Can Expect

Members of Star Magic Healing who engage with the Infinity Playlist and high vibrational nutrition can expect an evolution beyond the physical. These practices encourage forming a deep connection with the self. That allows practitioners to explore their inner worlds and unlock their full superhuman potential.

“When you commit to these practices, you’re not just changing your body but your entire life. You’re stepping into a new way of being aligned with your highest self,” states Jerry Sargeant.

Participants often report increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and a greater sense of purpose and direction. Through the Ascension Tools at Star Magic Healing, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, elevating their mind, body, and soul to new levels of being.

Star Magic Healing continues to offer its teachings to those who need them, educating on solutions that wield the power of the quantum field alongside practical lifestyle changes. For those who have always struggled with their physical or spiritual health, the Infinity Playlist and high-vibrational nutrition present a compelling path to walk.