Enhance Your Celebration With Ikraa Caviar

high quality caviar

IKRAA is a caviar company based in New York City that has been in business for over 35 years. The company was founded by Eugene Dozortsev, a world-renowned expert in Russian caviar. IKRAA specializes in selling high quality caviar from the Caspian Sea, including varieties such as Osetra, Golden Osetra, Kaluga, and Sevruga. In addition to these main varieties, IKRAA also has access to rare types of caviar, including Golden Osetra and Albino Osetra.

Caviar is made from sturgeon roe that is mixed with salt in a specific proportion to preserve and enhance the flavor of the roe. The term “Malossol” refers to the use of minimal amounts of salt in the production of caviar. At IKRAA, the caviar chefs strive to create the perfect balance of salt and roe to enhance the flavor of the eggs.

IKRAA offers a range of caviar delivery options, including next-day delivery of hand-packed tins of premium quality eggs. The company is committed to customer satisfaction and aims to provide the freshest, highest-quality caviar to its customers.

Caviar has a number of potential health benefits when consumed regularly. It is high in vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins C, E, and A, as well as calcium. It may help improve skin condition and prevent aging, boost the immune system, improve brain function, support joint and skeletal health, improve circulatory health, and prevent heart disease, and prevent and treat Rickets.